Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Edinburgh, The People, Culture, Landscapes and Love

Assalamualaikum kids? How's life? Recently I had the chance to go to Edinburgh, other than that I didnt do anything much really. So, as I was commuting by the train, few ideas stroke my mind, like I always had, haha. Nevertheless, it was fun considering I didnt do anything much this holiday, and cramping up in my room seems a little bit ridiculous but the idea of going somewhere didnt strike my mind for I was kinda worried about my exams and assignments. These feelings of being alone in the room, with pile of things to study is faaaaar better than doing nothing at all, and having the opportunity to meet new friends, broadening my horizons by surrounding the goodness in people that I met is by faaaaar better than not doing anything at home in Malaysia; but I do miss your grandma tho.

And I pray that i will always get to meet and befriend new people and see new places. But for that, I wish that I will be able to secure a job before I finish my studies here. Love you guys, like I always had :-))